Performance Marketing Blog A blog on performance marketing maintained by marketing professionals. Fri, 17 Jul 2009 05:18:52 +0000 en The (In) Complete Start-Up Internet Marketing Guide For my fellow world inhabitants at this time of global economic turmoil, we must help each other, now more than ever. A friend of mine recently lost his job. He was smart enough to see the writing on the wall and make some plans before his employer went under, but it ... How to SEO on Twitter: Keywords Keywords Keywords There Are Two Types of Twitter Searches There are two types of keywords on Twitter. The actual keyword as it exists, such as "college" and the hash tag "#college" version of the keyword. Searching for either of these will display two different sets of results. It goes without saying that the natural method ... Fighting Twitter Spam – Twitter Will Need Help I recently had someone follow me on twitter that had 39,000+ friends (in other words, they were following that many people). How can someone possibly follow that many people? Clearly they are not on twitter to follow 39,000 people. Their theory is that if they can follow the maximum amount of ... The Twitterlution! rev⋅o⋅lu⋅tion –noun a sudden, complete or marked change in something: the present revolution in church architecture. Don't even bother googling it, it doesn't exist. I just made it up. After spending a little time watching the evolution of Twitter, which quickly followed the revolution of media, I find myself blown away at the incredible ... URL Shorteners: What is all of the fuss about? Last week there was a plethora of coverage for URL shorteners just after landed 2 million in vc funding. When it was announced that landed some investment money, the peanut gallery came alive. As is my custom, I began to research URL shorteners (because I enjoy improving upon new ideas). ... Landing Page Optimization Breakthrough I came across this video discussing what appears to be a real breakthrough in landing page optimization. More WebProNews Videos It sounds like this new tool from OnDialog will move the development of optimized landing pages from the IT department to the marketing department. With tools in the marketplace like Omniture's ... Why your website needs a sitemap and how you should build it. First and foremost, there is a website that describes in thorough detail how to build a sitemap. It is located at The purpose of this blog is to shrink down their "protocol" aka, instructions, to a short and sweet version with commentary. These instructions are intended for sites with less than ... Class C IP Explained – What you need to know! It is important to understand exactly what the class C IP means, and why it is important. One of the things that I always preach when it comes to SEO, is to step back, and look at it from a common sense standpoint. If three of your sites are using the same ... DRTV and SEO I was reading some recent articles about DRTV and how to set up and manage a successful campaign. It is important to have both your SEM and SEO already set up before you launch your DRTV campaign. If you do this correctly, your unique urls and branded search will generate ... Analyze Your Competitors If you're wondering what your competitors are doing that you are not, spend some time analyzing their practices. A great place to start is analyzing their traffic at The nice thing about this website is it gives you the ability to compare your website with multiple competitors giving you a ...